The SkyWater definition of Design Enablement goes beyond a PDK and an IP book. We think about it more literally as product enablement with a high level of service. We approach the task of developing manufacturing processes for customer ideas with an open mind and think about what it will take to explore and develop these ideas into products that can be produced with high quality and at commercial volumes.
For many technologies we support these activities with traditional PDKs, IP resources and design partners. For the less mature technologies, we think of it as co-creating the future and it’s our Advanced Technology Services that free customers to pursue their ideas with a Trusted Innovation Partner to support the journey, onshore.
SkyWater’s Advanced Technology Services enable exploration and development of technologies in a quality focused production environment which delivers a single-facility combination of fast, efficient learning and a straightforward ramp to volume which is highly differentiated from other labs and foundries. This collaborative approach facilitates co-creation of designs made possible by strengths of process and device teams and produces a performance and manufacturing optimized product.
Our TaaS model enables innovators with a rich portfolio of technology building blocks to provide capabilities for realizing disruptive ideas — with a high service level from a domestic, Trusted U.S.-owned technology foundry.
Read More About TaaSVerifying proof-of-concept designs and low-volume production used to be difficult and prohibitively expensive. Not anymore.
Leveraging the SKY130 Open Source PDK, the eFabless chipIgnite platform supports both open source IP and closed IP. Delivered as packaged products, this is an ideal way for both students and professionals to develop proofs of concept and scale to initial production at a total cost far below a custom tape out and packaging.
We strive to enable our customers with convenient access to the data they need for planning development work and managing production wip.
We collaborate with chip design and IP partners, process technology experts and external packaging & test partners to deliver a seamless, secure experience.
Meet Our Strategic Technology Partners